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Rita Pmp Game

andepgenews1977 2020. 3. 4. 10:06
  1. Rita Pmp Game
  2. Pmp Process Game
Rita Pmp Game

Share. LinkedIn. Facebook. Twitter0One of the requirements to become a certified Project Manager is to complete a 4-Hour - 200 question exam. I have been meeting a number of project managers who are working towards certification and they usually ask, 'Do you have any helpful tips for passing this monster of a test?' So in the spirit of sharing lessons learned, I compiled a list of my 10 best tools and techniques. Listed below is how I maximized my study time, prevented study scope creep, and painlessly passed on the first attempt.1.

Study The Vocabulary & Acronyms First. If you can see the world through the official PMBOK colored glasses your study journey will be smooth sailing. As an experienced project manager, it is tempting to jump right into the material head first with all the familiar looking terms, but it is important to eliminate your biases. Establish from the start how PMBOK defines key terms, not how you may have used them in the past. I found it helpful to first focus on the back of the book, the glossary, to get a great foundation to build upon. There is even a Free guide online called The PMBOK PMI Lexicon of terms that proved helpful.Here is the Link:2. Get Rita's Study Guide On Amazon - It is brilliant. But don't take my word for it just take a peek at the glowing reviews. If you pay the big bucks for a bootcamp, chances are they might even include her book with your materials. Link: I encourage all exam preppers to make the investment. If you are on a tight budget you can even get a used copy.3.

Rita Pmp Game

Rita Mulcahy, PMP, is an international expert in project management 'Tricks of the Trade,' and best practices with over 15 years and $2.5 billion of hands-on experience. She has taught over 4,500 project managers from around the world and has helped over 1,500 people get ready to pass the PMP exam. Rita has helped write the PMP exam and is one of only about 15 trainers PMI uses for worldwide project management training. She has spent 7 years as a PMI chapter officer and has spoken at Project World and PMI's International Project Management Symposium to standing room only crowds in 1998 and 1999.

Pmp Process Game

Rita's work is sought after around the world. Rita is the President of RMC - Project Management, a project management training, consulting and speaking firm helping companies use project management tools and techniques to complete projects faster, cheaper, better, and with fewer resources. RMC - Project Management is a Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.) with the Project Management Institute.