The Windows Hardware Compatibility Program is designed to help your company deliver systems, software and hardware products that are compatible with Windows and run reliably on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. The program also provides guidance for developing, testing and distributing drivers. The Winqual page is really baffling to me because I thought that was for submission of software from vendors/developers. That is why I asked about you installing any software. I still have not tried the SP1 yet although I might try it this week if time allows.
What cleaning solutions can I use on Seal Shield medical keyboards, mice and remotes? Seal Shield medical keyboards, mice and remotes are compatible with widely used hospital disinfectants and common household cleaners including:. Sodium Hypochlorite Based Solution (10% bleach dilution). Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (quats) / Quaternary Ammonium Chloride (QAC) Based Solution. Hydrogen Peroxide Based Solution (H2O2). Phenol Based Solution.
Isopropyl Alcohol Based Solution. Soap and Warm Water Note: follow chemical manufacturer's instructions accordingly.
How do I clean Seal Shield medical keyboards, mice and remotes? There are 3 main methods to clean Seal Shield medical keyboards, mice and remotes:. Spray and Wipe method.
Submersion method. Dishwasher Cycle method Note: Always refer to your facilities infection control cleaning policies first and follow chemical manufacturer's instructions accordingly. Q: Can I really wash Seal Shield medical keyboards, mice and remotes in a dishwasher? Yes, just make certain the dishwasher cycle is in “non-heated” mode. Seal Shield recommends dishwasher cycle is less than 140 Fahrenheit / 60 Celsius.
Q: Can I lock a Seal Shield keyboard for “Spray and Wipe” cleaning method? A: There is no “Lock Key”, rather press CTRL and ALT and DELETE simultaneously to lock your Windows PC (unlock when finished). Mac users disconnect USB cable (recommended process for cleaning mice). Are Seal Shield medical keyboards and mice compatible with Windows and Mac OS? Yes, Seal Shield keyboards and mice are Microsoft certified (WINQUAL) and Windows compatible and are compatible with Mac OSX 10.5 or higher. How do I disable a key on a Seal Shield plastic / standard style medical keyboard to support my customized user environment? Remove key function by doing the following:.
Using a small screw driver, gently pry off the key you wish to disable. Using a paper clip, remove the silicone dome contact (located in the space where the key was removed). Replace the key removed (key function is now disabled) Important: Do not disable keys on silicone keyboard models. How do I enable the 'Scroll Lock' function on the SSF106, S106G2 series and SSKSV099 series keyboards? 'Scroll Lock' function is not supported on these models Q: Which Seal Shield keyboards support 'Scroll Lock' key function?
'Scroll Lock' function is supported on the SSKSV207 series, SSKSV208 series, STK503 series, S90PG2 series, S87P2 series, S86PG2 series keyboards. My Seal Shield keyboard is typing the wrong characters. What could be causing this issue? This may be caused when the “Num Lock” key is inadvertently activated.
Depending on your keyboard model, one of the following keystroke combinations (pressed simultaneously) should resolve the issue:. Keystroke Combination 1. ALT and NUM LOCK.
Keystroke Combination 2. ALT and PRT SC/SYSRQ. Keystroke Combination 3. SHIFT and NUM LOCK Q.
What does the “Fn” key on the S86PG2 and S87P2 do? When “Num Lock” is enabled the blue characters shown on the keys provide the following output: U=4, I=5, O=6, J=1, K=2, L=3,;=+, M=0 Note: when “Num Lock” is enabled, the “Fn” key will allow “normal” output for the keys above. My Seal Shield international keyboard doesn’t match the keyboard language layout when typing? You must configure the default language on your PC to match the keyboard layout language.
How do I pair the Seal Shield CleanWipe™ SSKSV099BT Bluetooth keyboard with my PC? Make the Keyboard 'discoverable' by simultaneously pressing “Esc” and “k” Keys. The blue LED Light next to the power switch should flash on an off repeatedly for approximately 60 seconds. This indicates that the keyboard is in discovery mode and is ready to be paired with the computer.

How do I program the Seal Shield Waterproof Universal Remote STV1 to my TV? You can program the Universal Remote from the brand / model of your TV or by searching for the appropriate code for your TV. Can I use a Seal Shield USB keyboard / mouse with a device that only supports PS2? Yes, you can purchase a USB to PS2 adapter from Seal Shield or another manufacturer.
Winqual For Macbook Pro
What adhesives can be used to hold a Seal Shield silicone keyboard to a keyboard tray or articulating arm? Due to the nature of silicone properties standard adhesives and tapes do not always adhere well. Seal Shield recommends 3M™ Double Coated Tape 9731 Silicone Adhesive. Q: Do Seal Shield keyboards / mice work with “KVM” (Keyboard-Video –Mouse) switches?
A: Yes, Seal Shield keyboards / mice work with USB KVM switches. However, there can be intermittent issues with some PS2 KVM switches.
Those issues may be caused by the specific KVM switch or the computer OS because PS2 connections are not “hot swappable”. If you swap out a PS2 keyboard / mouse while the computer is running it won’t recognize it until PC reboots (unlike USB peripherals that are “hot swappable”). Also, if the secondary PC that is using a PS/2 KVM switch goes into “sleep” or “hibernation” mode rebooting might be necessary. Important: PS/2 KVM switches do not work with Seal Shield keyboards with a built-in touchpad. This is generally the case for all keyboard / mouse mfgs.
This article may require to meet Wikipedia's. The specific problem is: The article needs reformatted to meet wikipedia guidelines Please help if you can. ( June 2012) Windows Quality Online Services ( Winqual) was a web service providing a developer dashboard to certification for the Microsoft Windows logo programs and access to the (WER) data.
In preparation for Windows 8 the Winqual site was retired and its features were rolled together with an interface for creating a developer account and managing your Windows Store Apps called Windows Dev Center. End-users may have accessed the Winqual site through windows error reporting response links or other references to the infrastructure in the Windows Error Reporting systems. Contents. Windows error reporting Through the old Winqual site and the new Windows Dev Center, Independent software vendors (ISVs) can access the WER data to triage, fix, and provide responses to error reports generated by their software. Driver packages that have successfully completed the certification program can be added to the driver distribution system and pushed out to users through Windows Update. Driver submissions are automatically mapped to the company's account for which the submission was made. The system is enabled to triage and map crash data.
If it is determined that the root cause of the issue is in a driver or software product that maps to a company with a Winqual account, then that crash bucket will be assigned to that account. Winqual users with the permissions to view crash data can then download samples of the relevant crash data (in the form of memory dumps, logs, and optional additional information that the end-user having the issue has agreed to submit).
An important feature of the WER system is the ability for developers to provide fixes for a particular crash bucket and Windows Update is the mechanism that Windows uses to inform the Windows user that there is a fix to the problem that they just reported or that a problem they reported previously has been resolved. Used correctly this system can eliminate the need for the user to have to call a help desk to report the issue and wait for the problem to be researched and then provided with an update that resolves the program they encountered.
Since the buckets are organized by a signature of the stack at the point of failure, it is unlikely that this signature will look the same for two different issues. Solutions are mapping to buckets so when a stack trace is reported with the same signature the user can be informed in real time if there is fix to the crash (or hang) that maps to that particular bucket.
Winqual For Mac Pro
Fixes for qualified drivers are distributed via Windows Update and if an issue that previously did not have a solution will be remembered so when a fix becomes available the end user will be informed that there is a fix that resolves the previously reported issue. The system also allows the developer to request that users that are hitting a particular issue where the crash dump does not have the information needed to determine the root cause of the crash should opt into submitting additional information (such as application logs) that might help determine the root cause of the problem. Windows 7 even includes a way that the developer can request that users hitting a particular problem should be asked if they consent to helping them solve this problem by enabling a feature in the OS that captures screen shots and the keyboard input leading up the problem and including it in the crash report that is sent to Microsoft. The end user must consent to this and Microsoft has to manually enable this request on a specific bucket. Software and hardware manufacturers can link error signatures to Windows Error Reporting Responses. This allows distributing solutions as well as collecting extra information from customers (such as reproducing the steps they took before the crash) and providing them with support links. To register with the site and collect WER data a user had to create an account, sign several legal agreements and then submit a VeriSign Class 3 Digital ID signed executable to verify the ISV as being the creator of the crashing program or driver.
Winqual For Mac
Crashes The ability to report crash and hang data from Windows Platforms was first introduced in and has been significantly improved in with features such as which is a user interface allowing users to check the status of their crashes and personalized solution views. See also. References.